
Hello! My Name is Oliver

I created this site as a way to learn Jekyll, and to talk about tech projects that interest me. As I become more aquainted with Jekyll, I will begin modifying page layouts, or even create an entire custom theme from scratch, but for now I am using the Yet-Another-Jekyll-Theme generously provided for free on github by jeffreytse.

This is also something of an expiriment. If managing a Jekyll site is easy enough, I might be able to support my activist friends by teaching them how to use jekyll + Github Pages to distribute information.

So far, setting up Jekyll has proven more difficult than I initially expected. Until now, I had not had the displeasure of trying to install Ruby on MacOs. For now, I have taken to using git-bash on Windows, but I will work to get setup with Ruby on MacOS and in WSL.

For now, Welcome to Puffer Cafe!